ATAM’s sensor technologies for intelligent transport systems are at the forefront of a major technological revolution in transportation. They aim to increase drivers' and passengers’ safety, reduce traffic jams, monitor vehicle performance, and assist drivers
Sensor Technologies and Electrical Products for Intelligent Transport
Fully aware of the critical importance of transportation systems across the nations and the issues that every country faces in terms of uncontrolled growth in traffic volume ranging from traffic jams to CO2 emissions, solutions such as intra-vehicle sensors and urban sensors have become paramount.ATAM’s connectors, coils and sensors for transport actuators offer a significant contribution to addressing the challenges of the modern-day by providing components such as sensors and actuators - but also electrical winding services selection for transport - that will enable a better and safer traveling experience by helping the migration from standard to Intelligent Transportation Systems for increased sustainability and safety.On the other hand, intra-vehicle sensors collect data about a vehicle’s conditions. It is estimated that the current number of sensors in a vehicle can range between 60 to 100, but sensor technologies for intelligent transport systems may lead to the use of 200 sensors used in transportation.These sensors can be as basic as tire pressure sensors or as advanced as sensors to detect any abnormal health condition affecting the driver. Connectors, coils and sensors for transport actuators are becoming more and more widespread; for example, in the United States, it is now mandatory for car manufacturers to include rear-view visibility sensors.

Our Technologies for Intelligent Transport Systems
ATAM produces electrical technologies for intelligent transport systems paying particular attention to raw materials and manufacturing quality and providing specialized technical support to identify the best sensors for transport actuators to achieve any desired result.
The support that ATAM offers to each customer, independent of the type of sensors used in transportation, can ensure the perfect fit for the application, no matter the complexity.Last but not least, ATAM’s customer care starts from product design and continues on for the entire life cycle of the product.